
Auditions for the Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach County's 20th Season are open.  Please see the appropriate Audition Requirements below.


All musicians should have one prepared solo selection of their choosing - Please bring 3 extra copies of your solo piece for the conductors.  Be prepared to play as many of these requirements as possible.  All scales and arpeggios should be played in the Florida All‐State pattern at a minimum tempo of quarter note = 80 beats per minute unless otherwise indicated.
Training Orchestra:
· One octave G & D major scale.
· Play a simple solo or tune representative of playing ability.
· Have knowledge of note names and music symbols.
· Open to students beginning in second grade.
String Orchestra:
• Two octave scales and arpeggios: C,D,A,G,F,Bb (Bass – one octave only)
• Scales are to be memorized. Even eighth notes / quarter=60‐80
• Solo piece representative of level of playing.
• Short sight reading example.

Symphony Orchestra:
• Two octave scales and arpeggios: C,G,D,A,F,Bb,Eb
• Scales are to be memorized. Even eighth notes / quarter note = (80‐100)
• (Woodwinds and Brass may play “All‐State pattern”).
• Solo piece representative of level of playing.
• Short sight reading example.

Philharmonic Orchestra:
• Strings : Three octave scales and arpeggios: C,G,D,A,E,F,Bb,Eb,Ab
• Scales are to be memorized. Even eighth notes / quarter note = (100‐120)
• Woodwinds and Brass: All twelve major scales and arpeggios (G‐Gb).
• Even eighth notes OR “All‐State Pattern”. quarter = (100‐120)
• Scales are to be memorized.
• Solo piece representative of level of playing.
• Short sight reading example.

*Percussionists must play representative etude/piece on snare, mallets & timpani
For Current YOPBC Musicians
Move-Up Auditions
Move-Up Auditions will now include frequency of private lessons, years in YOPBC and attendance record while a member, FOA, FBA, S & E participation and other notable performances.
You are encouraged to bring recommendation letters from applied or ensemble teachers/coaches.
Seating Auditions
Seating Auditions will be done in August, prior to the start of each season.  Seating Auditions can also be held as directed by the orchestra conductor throughout the year.  Auditions for Concert Master/Mistress will be expected to bow a clean part.