Attendance Policy

Youth Orchestra of Palm Beach County

YOPBC supports students’ participation in their school orchestras, district and all-state opportunities, and community music groups and activities. However, the students and parents are responsible to plan accordingly to minimize the number of absences from YOPBC. A yearly schedule has been given and please plan accordingly.
If a child must miss regular Sunday afternoon rehearsals for school activities, sports or other elective activities we ask you to reconsider participation in the YOPBC.
Seniors please note that frequent college visits scheduled to conflict with Sunday rehearsals may be problematic. Consult your conductor and orchestra manager at LEAST 2 weeks in advance for approval.
Illness sometimes occurs. Absence from a rehearsal or concert due to illness is excused but needs to be documented with a verifiable signed note from a parent, guardian or doctor.
Failure to submit proper documentation will be considered an unexcused absence.
If a rehearsal is missed, it is the responsibility of the student to inquire about any material covered and to request and prepare any new music prior to the next rehearsal.
YOPBC awards Community Service Hours at the conclusion of each season. Failure to adhere to our attendance policy will forfeit those hours.
Attendance is required at all regularly scheduled rehearsals, dress rehearsals, sound checks and performances. Students are expected to be ready to begin on time. At the discretion of the conductor and music director, students who arrive late or miss sound checks/rehearsals maybe ineligible to perform at concert(s).
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each rehearsal/concert. Anyone arriving more than 10 minutes late or leaving before the rehearsal is over will be considered absent from the entire rehearsal. ABSENCES FROM PERFORMANCES ARE NOT PERMITTED! Failure to attend a concert is grounds for immediate dismissal from the ensemble, and may affect future ensemble placement.
Students may be placed on probation after two absences in a semester (August – December/January – May) at the discretion of the Music Director of the ensemble and the Board Chairperson. If placed on probation, the student's certificate eligibility, scholarship, and ensemble assignments will be reconsidered. In some cases, a student may be excluded from concert(s). All decisions regarding the dismissal from YOPBC or ineligibility to perform a concert(s) will be made by the  Conductor, Music Director and Board Chairperson and shall be final. Refunds will not be given.